Angular 2 Component - Tuong-Nguyen/Angular-D3-Cometd GitHub Wiki
1-way binding: Display value in component in template:
- selector: element name
- templateUrl: html view
- styles: css stylesheet applied to the component - It is applied to the component only. (note: /deep/ can be used for applying css to child components)
selector: "events-list",
templateUrl: "app\events\events-list.component.html",
.block: {display:inline-block}
Input - @Input() decorator
- Declare an input property in the component
export class EventThumbnail {
@Input() public event: any;
- Parent-component passes data to component
<event-thumbnail [event]="parent-field"></event-thumbnail>
@Output() decorator
- Declare an output property (EventEmitter) - send event to Parent component by calling emit method and passing data
@Output() public eventClick = new EventEmitter();
public handleClickMe() {
- Parent component: set function to event ($event: convention)
<event-thumbnail [event]="event" (eventClick)="handler($event)"></event-thumbnail>
Child component is identified with a template variable. This variable can be used for accessing public properties and methods of child component but in template code only
<!-- Specified variable for event-thumbnail component: thumbnail -->
<event-thumbnail #thumbnail [event]="event" (eventClick)="hello($event)"></event-thumbnail>
<!-- Access component property -->
<!-- Call component method -->
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="thumbnail.methodFoo()">Log me some foo</button>