Entity Tables - Tucker442/RALinks GitHub Wiki
A human. Each person has their own record. Artists recording under their own name will have a record in the Person table and a record in the Artist table.
Primary key | |||||
PersonDisplayName | VARCHAR(100) | NOT NULL |
A person or group to which a recording is attributed.
A collection of tracks. To start out I’ll define deluxe or bonus track versions as separate Albums as long as the collection of tracks is different. If this distinction becomes distracting when finding links I may reverse the decision.
A song. A song may be performed by any number of artist and be recorded any number of times. Special cases such as songs that include other songs or songs with a new name that are variations of other songs will be addressed only in the notes for now.
Defined by a track on a CD. The idea can be applied directly to files downloaded from music sites. Use best judgement when applying to vinyl or tapes. Multiple sequential tracks that together represent one song with continuous sound may be combined with notes in the note field. “Fly From Here” is an example. Such cases without continuous sound aren’t combined. “Karn Evil 9: 1st Impression” is an example.
This is meant as a convenient way to keep track of playlists. It’s not really part of the recording artists project.