v2ray: Client configuration (Windows) - Tualua/v2ray-docs GitHub Wiki

v2ray - Windows client configuration

Download client

Grab latest v2ray-core from https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases (32-bit or 64-bit, depending on your Windows version)

Grab latest release of v2rayN from https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases


If you are behind sophisticated firewall like Golden Shield aka Great China Firewall, you may need either use another VPN service to download these files or download them to your own server first! If you followed my guide how to setup v2ray server on CentOS 7, you can do following:

ssh to your v2ray server

Download v2ray-core and v2rayN to public_html folder

cd /var/www/host.domain.tld/public_html/
wget https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/download/v4.18.0/v2ray-windows-64.zip
wget https://github.com/2dust/v2rayN/releases/download/2.25/v2rayN.zip
chown -R apache:apache ./*

Grab them from your client computer


Unpack v2rayN and v2ray-core to the same folder (Desktop\v2rayN for example)

Run v2rayN.exe

Usually it starts in Chinese language


Change language to English


Restart application


Add new server


Fill required information about your server


Address: FQDN of your server

Port: 443 (HTTPS port)

UUID: generated UUID (it should exist in clients section of /etc/v2ray/config.json)

alterID: 64 (default value, should match value in clients section of /etc/v2ray/config.json)

Encryption method (security): auto

Transport protocol(network): ws

Camouflage domain(host): FQDN of your server

Path: /ray (should match value in streamSettings section of /etc/v2ray/config.json and value in Apache VirtualHost config)

TLS: tls

allowInsecure: false

Press OK.

Enable proxy

Right-click on v2RayN icon in notification area and check Enable Http proxy

Right-click on v2RayN icon in notification area and check Open Http proxy and automatically configure proxy server (global mode)

Final check

Open your favorite browser and navigate to https://whatsmyip.com/

Under Your IP Address label should be address of your v2ray server

Enjoy uncensored Internet!