Building from Source - Tschipcraft/more_mobs GitHub Wiki

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Replace dynamic values
    • ${file_name} to the build output file name - used by the uninstall function to properly disable the right pack
    • ${version} to the current version (e.g. 1.0) - used in various messages and in the mod version metadata
    • ${mc_version} to the supported Minecraft version range (e.g. 1.17x-1.21x) - only used in the pack.mcmeta file
  3. Zip the files
    • For the data pack version, include all files and folders except assets, net, META-INF, fabric.mod.json, unused, src, wiki,, ".*"
    • For the mod version, include all files and folders except unused, src, wiki,, ".*"
      Make sure to change the extension from .zip to .jar for the mod version to be recognized


All .java files in the src folder for the mod version have been precompiled into the net folder. Changing them will have no effect unless you go through the hassle of importing them into a Forge/Fabric/Quilt Development Environment and compiling them yourself. This may change in the future if my GitHub workflow skills improve.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️