Task 6: TiO line list - Trovemaster/exocross GitHub Wiki
Cross sections of TiO using a new line list ToTo
The publication is in preparation. Contact Laura McKemmish ([email protected]).
The line list can be accessed at /scratch/dp114/shared/ExoMol/TiO
Using a text editor create an ExoCross input file to compute cross sections of TiO for T=2000 K using the Gaussian line profile for the wavenumber 0-20000 cm-1 and resolution of 0.1 cm-1. An example of the input is shown below (see also
)Temperature 2000 (K) Range 8000 20000 (cm-1)
Npoints 1200001
absorption gaussian
hwhm 0.05
output TiO_ab_Toto_2000K_g0.05
NRAM 100000000
States "/scratch/dp114/shared/ExoMol/TiO/48Ti-16O__Toto.states"
Transitions "/scratch/dp114/shared/ExoMol/TiO/48Ti-16O__Toto.trans"
Compute cross sections using the command line:
exocross.exe < TiO_Toto_ab_2000K_gauss.inp > TiO_Toto_ab_2000K_gauss.out
- The absorption cross sections will be written into an .xsec file and can be visualised using xmgrace.