Task 6: Small exercises for Diatomic molecules (can run on laptops including Windows) - Trovemaster/exocross GitHub Wiki

  1. Download the NaH line list from http://exomol.com/data/molecules/NaH/23Na-1H/Rivlin/. On DiRAC, they can be found in /scratch/dp114/shared/NaH/

  2. On Windows, download the Exocross executable xcross_dos.exe and the batch file run_exocross.bat from the github repository at https://github.com/Trovemaster/exocross and place into the same folder with the data. On Linux, one can obtain exocross.exe

  3. Using a text editor create a ExoCross input file to compute emission cross sections for NaH (main isotopologue), T=1500 K and P=1 atm using the Voigt line profile assuming He and H2 as broadeners (0.85/0.15) with constant broadening parameters. The wavenumber grid is 0-25000 cm-1 and the grid size is 1 cm-1. An example is shown below (NaH_Voigt_1500K.inp).

    Range 0.0  25000.0
    Npoints 25001
    pressure  1.0
    Temperature 1500.0
    mass 23
      H2  gamma 0.0155 n 0.41 t0 298.0 ratio 0.82
      He  gamma 0.1070 n 0.77 t0 298.0 ratio 0.18
    Output NaH_Voigt_emission_1500K_P1
    States 23Na-1H__Rivlin.states
    Transitions 23Na-1H__Rivlin.trans
  4. On windows, modify the batch file run_exocross.bat to include the following line

xcross_dos.exe < NaH_Voigt_1500K.inp> NaH_Voigt_1500K.out

On Linux run

exocross.exe < NaH_Voigt_1500K.inp> NaH_Voigt_1500K.out

This will produce a new Stats file (.lifetime) with lifetimes written as the 5th columns, with which is copy of the .states.

  1. Lifetimes can be computed using ExoMol line lists with using the following simple input file:

     States 23Na-1H__Rivlin.states
     Transitions 23Na-1H__Rivlin.trans
  2. An example of the cross sections of AlO can be found in /scratch/dp114/dc-yurc1/exocross/AlO. Use this example to produce cross sections for FeH and BeH see /scratch//dp114/shared/ExoMol, or any other diatomic from http://exomol.com/data/molecules/.