Group Members and Work Breakdown - Trombed/mernproject GitHub Wiki

Group Members:

Albert Chen, Eric Ho, Jimmy Kang, Iryna McBride

Work Breakdown:

Day 1

Eric: research on user editing images.
Jimmy: build skeleton React site
Iryna: backend user auth implementation

Day 2

Albert: flex
Eric: frontend canvas implementation
Jimmy: active storage - saving user images/memes
Iryna: backend table

Day 3

Albert: flex
Eric: frontend continue
Jimmy: backend table - images, friends table, likes table
Iryna: backend table - images, friends table, likes table

Day 4

Albert: flex
Eric: continue on with Day3. if done, flex support.
Jimmy: backend table - images, friends table, likes table
Iryna: backend table - images, friends table, likes table

Day 5

Everyone: quality check and debugging