File Systems - TrippCC/Sys-265 GitHub Wiki
Installation and Configuration:
This website runs you through the installation step by step. When the tutorial talks about the subsequent glusterfs servers don't worry about those commands unless you are making more than one glusterfs server.
When you get to the command that involves "replica" you are not creating another glusterfs server so just write "gluster create volume urclouds1 urgluster1: path/path/"
When you get to the point where you are mounting on the web server/ client you must check the firewalls on the webserver and glusterfs server because they will block this command from going through.
Linking the mounted gluster file and the default apache path:
We wanted to use glusterfs in a way that would allow us to link together the /var/www/html directory with the /client/glusterfs directory, such that the apache server could serve the source files from the gluster brick, instead of relying on local storage.
To do this, we found a package called "lndir" that does just that - links two directories.
The syntax used in this case was "lndir /client/glusterfs /var/www/html" where the first attribute given is the [fromdir] and the second is the [todir]. This links everything from ../html to ../glusterfs.