Laws of Sapphory - TrinianGames/Sapphory GitHub Wiki

The Sapphorian legal system was largely hashed out during the first era and has received little modification in the ensuing centuries, as much of the island's culture is highly conservative in nature. When the Founding Mothers first set up Sapphorian society, they copied large swathes of existing countries laws into their own. However, later on when the Monarchy took control, most of these laws were deemed to be the work of men and repealed, replaced with new "feminised" versions that, although similar in scope and effect, allowed far greater latitude for the state to further cement its power. Today, little remains of those original laws and much of what replaced them exists to service the interests of the nobility.

Sapphory's first and highest law is that no male may set foot anywhere on the island or its satellites. The only area of the country which males have ever visited is Sentinel Island off the coast of Fivaviana, which is the gateway to Sapphory through which all incoming ships must pass. The island is a fortress, and every vessel is turned inside out and the crews thoroughly interrogated and examined before being allowed to approach Sapphory. Should any man ever successfully infiltrate Sapphory, the law states that he must be immediately deported without appeal, and any woman found guilty of having helped him, be she Sapphorian or outsider, faces exile.