Family Life - TrinianGames/Sapphory GitHub Wiki

The Sapphorian Family model is culturally considered the norm throughout the island. Marriage rates are high and divorces rare due to cultural pressures and financial incentives. Birth rates are remarkably stable, and the average fertility rate is 2.2. (It is worth noting that this figure is read to mean "per pair of women" instead of "per woman" due to the fact that there are no men.)

Sapphorian families follow a modified nuclear family model. Both mothers are responsible for caring for their young until they reach the age of 23. It is rare for both mothers to work full time and common for one mother to put her career entirely on hold to be a home-maker. Sometimes each mother will work part time and share this responsibility, but home-making is seen culturally as a noble and worthwhile pursuit in Sapphory, which long ago abandoned economic growth as the most desirable outcome. Early in the country's history, a sustained propaganda campaign painted the practice of mothers going out to work while their children were raised by strangers as a male-imposed denial of the essential maternal essence of a woman. As a result, nurseries and day-cares are rare in Sapphory.

Sapphorian girls will usually address their mothers as "Mum" Mom" or "Mam" depending on regional dialect. Where this would result in confusion, (as they have two mothers,) they tend to use the vernacular "Mama-(name)" to differentiate between them.

There is no difference in Sapphorian culture between the natal and progenitor mothers, as it is simply the case that the child must be carried by only one. (Couples will often alternate which of them takes the role of natal mother with each child,) and the concept of "fatherhood" is meaningless. The word long ago fell out of use due to its male connotations, and the nature of the female asexual reproduction process means that it matters little which mother physically carried the child as it could easily have been either one.