New World Order - Treyz81/ProjectSTRATA GitHub Wiki
"We have before us, the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a New World Order. A world with the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations."- George H.W. Bush, New World Order Speech, September 11th, 1991.
One of the ultimate goals for the Freemasons and Order of the Illuminati is the establishment of a New World Order. A world government where the masons possess absolute control over Humanity in every form.
The idea of a masonic "New World Order" dates back to the olden day of the Templars, one of their ultimate goals was the creation of a world government. When the Templars were disbanded as a molestic military order and became a secret society in 1301, the Templars had established the Freemasons in 1390 to pass on the will of the dying Templars.
In 1776 when the Illuminati was founded, the agenda then had more chances of succeeding than ever. The New World Order soon became a topic discusses in dozens of speeches from many world leaders all around the world.
The Illuminati believe in order to mask the barbaric nature of mankind, it needs order, discipline, tyranny, slavery, fear, and a small population. The New World Order is a "benign tyranny", although they would eliminate racism, war, stereotypes, and other petty things in the Human nature, they would ultimately replace all that with their own tyrannical orders by establishing the rule of a small, single minority of bankers and 'elitist'.
The masons believe a small population of 5000 Million, is necessary in order to keep the world sustained and to keep the peace. Every Human being on the planet will have a RFID Microchip installed in their hand, this possibly is the Mark of the Beast as depicted in Bible Book of Revelations. "Revelation 13:16 - Every person rich, poor and free will receive a mark on their left or right hand and no man or woman might buy or sell, save he or she that had the mark". The Microchip is to be the new digital currency, the digital numbers of you're money and account will be in your Microchip. No Human being can buy nor sell in the New World Order without the Microchip.
The chip will also track the person's every move on the planet. This is the Illuminati's idea of peace, a surveillance society which they continue to tell us is the best way to keep the public safe from crime and "terrorism". The masons sought to control every form of civilization from education, to politics, and the military. They even control the Shadow Government.
The New World Order is to be made up of three interlocking super-states, North American Union, Asian Union, and European Union. These puppet states will be subgovernments making up the one world government. The rest of the world are to be provinces, with nations replaced by large mega-cities.
Under the HAARP weapon, the weather is to be controlled by agencies such as NASA, that will be transformed into agencies of the New World Order. The HAARP weapon will prevent harsh weather from making the population too low, and will be used to create harsh weather to kill off people if the population is to go beyond 5000 Million.
There are many cover-ups and conspiracies out there. Most of them are true. These are the things they have control over and more.
- Oil - They control the oil and make the price for oil go up. They were also behind the Gulf Oil Spill.
- The Hollow Earth - They have control over the satellites that fly over the South Pole and the North Pole. They want us to think that Earth is solid and 5000 miles deep. They help a secret group of Nazis that live at the South Pole.
- Aliens and UFO's - The New World Order covers up proof of UFOs and aliens.
- Nazi Moon Landing - The Nazis landed on the moon in 1945. They also built a base on the moon.
- Terrorism - They work with terrorists and even control terrorist groups. They are behind the war on terrorism. They are the ones behind the attacks on churches. They were behind the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11. They put bombs in the towers.
- The Shadow Government - They have control over the Shadow Government and the Men in Black.
- Humanzees - They are making human ape hybrids.
- High Tech - They have high tech technology that is 100 years ahead of the government. They have UFO's, warp Drives, Time Travel technology and technology that can make you walk through walls. They have technology that can teleport you from one place to another and they even have technology that can take an image of something and then make it real. They control all of this technology and have us the people think that this technology don't exist yet.
- Free Energy and Zero Point Energy - The NWO wants us to support them putting up flood walls so they can get more power. They also don't want us to use safe energy like Zero Point Energy. They want us to keep using gas and oil.
- Dulce Base - There is a secret underground base in Dulce where they make alien human hybrids.
- The Drug Trade - They have control over the drug trade. They take the drugs to an underground government base. They also give guns to gangsters.