Illuminati - Treyz81/ProjectSTRATA GitHub Wiki



The concept of money and credit creation was developed in ancient Babylon. Once relative values were placed on commodities, (like cattle, grains or craft) silver and gold became established as a store of values and a convenient means of exchange. In order to guarantee the safety of their wealth, Nimrod, the priest-king, offered the temple vaults and protection of the gods as security for the treasure of his citizens. Observing that the bulk of deposits remained in the vaults at any one time, he developed the lucrative concept of Fractional Reserve Banking. This device was the key to unparalleled prosperity and unbounded influence. Nimrod explained and franchised his scheme to certain illuminated Adepts, (today’s bankers) who were licensed to take deposits and lend gold from the temple vaults at around 20% interest. Nimrod's next innovation was to issue clay tablet receipts in the value of the gold, and sealed with the high priest's signet as legal tender - precursor of today's paper money. Safer and easier to carry than bullion, it quickly gained acceptance and still has ancient Babylon’s mark upon it.

It is no coincidence that the Great Seal together with the reverse - the insignia of the Order of the Illuminati, plainly appear together on the reverse side of all U.S. one-dollar notes (clearly designated as Federal Reserve Notes) and have done for nearly seventy years. The first time it appeared was in 1933, by order of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the beginning of the New Deal - the name given to Roosevelt's political reforms of that time.

Interestingly enough, the reverse has never been cut and used as a seal even though it is designated quite plainly as “THE GREAT SEAL.”

The obverse is on the left with the reverse on the right. Note the “Star of David” design of the star cluster above the eagle’s head, a pattern of which was never intended by the original designer C L Totten ( refer to:The Cult of the All Seeing Eye). The illustration right is a typical example of the symbolic root base at the heart of the disguised pictographic form of the emblem of the Illuminati.

In “The Reverse Side of the Seal of the United States and its Symbolism” Lang comments: “The reverse side must have been designed by a mystic, one well versed in symbolism…. all true Theosophists aught to be able to see the connecting link between true Theosophy and the reverse side of the Seal …. the time will come when the white headstone (capstone) of our government…. in the proclaiming of a new religion in which all spiritual currents flowing from every other religion shall meet in the perfection of the white stone, having neither dogma nor doctrine.”


The “Ancients” claimed that God works by mathematics. Their belief system was a strange confusion of religion, astrology, alchemy, physical and mental science, and mathematics. The Pythagoreans however, believed that the source of all truth was hidden in geometric symbolism, with the triangle especially as the most “sacred” of all symbols, where the ternary (3) and certain multiples thereof, were regarded as the key to unlocking all “hidden wisdom.” There are a variety of numbers that hold secret significance within occult circles today and amongst the most common are 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 33, 36 & 666.

The ancients also believed that numbers had formative powers. Pythagoras is reputed to have declared that "Numbers rule the universe." Plato said, "God ever geometrizes." The modern mathematician Jacoi expressed his own belief that "God ever arithmetizes."

The Babylonians, who invented the Zodiac, considered each of the twelve signs to rule over the twelve months of the year. In the Zodiac there are 6 houses that the sun passes through during the day and 6 during the night. Each house is divided up into 3 rooms. So there are 36 rooms in the Zodiac, as the Babylonians believed there were 36 magnifications of the sun and thus 36 separate gods, all different revelations of the “Sun-god.” "In symbolism, numbers are not merely the expressions of quantities; but idea-forces, each with a particular character of its own." (J. E. Cirlot, "A Dictionary of Symbols", p. 220) "The very numbers you use in counting are more than you take them to be. They are at the same time mythological elements, but you are certainly unaware of this when you use numbers for a practical purpose." (Carl Jung, "Man and His Symbols", p. 40)

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