Ahri and Bear Game Mode: Game Overs - Trevor802/AhriAndBear GitHub Wiki

Game Over states are managed primarily by the AAhriAndBearGameModeBase class.

The EGameOverReason Enum

The EGameOverReason enum defines the following values:

C++ Blueprints Purpose
GO_AnimalCaught Animal Was Caught Used when an animal is caught.
GO_AnimalsDead Animals Died When both animals' hunger and thirst stats have been zeroed out.
GO_Victory Can be used for win conditions. Not currently used.

If you want to add a game over reason, you can add it to this enum. Please update this table afterwards, if possible.

Defining a Game Over Condition

You can define your own game over state two ways. Both methods require calling the public EndGame method, which takes a EGameOverReason reason as its argument. This reason argument is propagated to the FGameOver delegate down the line.

Method 1: Invoking EndGame from the Game Mode

This is currently how game overs (losses) are invoked. To do this, the game mode finds the actor that can create the game over state and adds a listener to a delegate that is fired when the game over state occurs.

For example, when an animal is caught, it's game over. To have the game manager listen for this condition, the following code is used:

void AAhriAndBearGameModeBase::BeginPlay()
    AActor* dogActor = UGameplayStatics::GetActorOfClass(GetWorld(), AABDogCharacter::StaticClass());
    dog = Cast<AABDogCharacter>(dogActor);
    if (dog != nullptr) {
	dog->OnAnimalCaught.AddDynamic(this, &AAhriAndBearGameModeBase::OnAnimalCaught);

First, we find Bear and make sure that the reference is valid. Once done, we hook into Bear's OnAnimalCaught dynamic delegate and tell it to invoke the Game Mode's OnAnimalCaught method when the animal is caught. The AAhriAndBearGameModeBase::OnAnimalCaught's definition is

void AAhriAndBearGameModeBase::OnAnimalCaught(AActor* captor) {

which will put the Game Mode into a game over state.

Method 2: Invoking EndGame from Another Class

This method currently isn't in use. However, it still exists. To do so, have the code find the current game mode and have it call the EndGame method, like in the OnAnimalCaught example. Personally, I (Joseph) prefer Method 1, since that keeps EndGame calls within the Game Mode itself.

Listening for a Game Over

The Game Mode provides a delegate that allows other objects to listen for when a game over condition is met. This is done in the GameOverScreen widget in blueprints. To react to a game over state, process to follow is:

  1. Find the AhriAndBearGameModeBase actor.
  2. Get the OnGameOver property.
  3. Assign the OnGameOver delegate to use the method you want.

The method you assign to OnGameOver needs to receive a single parameter - const FGameOver&. This struct currently only contains one property, which is EGameOverReason Reason. Since we may want to provide more information down the line without breaking a lot of code, this argument is a struct. The struct is Blueprintable, so you can listen to this delegate as you like.

Here's an example from the game over screen blueprint: Example blueprint of listening for an event.