Christopher Walle's Documentation - TrentButler/Unity-ProductionTeams GitHub Wiki
Enemy Type: Class, inherits from ScriptableObjects Description: A Scriptable Object which contains a Health float, Damage float, and an Alive boolean which are meant to represent the stats of the Enemy.
EnemyBehaviour Type: Class, inherits from Monobehaviour Description: A Behaviour Script designed to make the Enemy Robots Seek their targets, Aim/Shoot at said targets, Destroy the Enemy Game Objects when the Enemy died.
JunkBulletBehaviour Type: Class, inherits from Monobehaviour Description: A Behaviour Script designed to allow the Junk Bullet prefab fired by Enemies to do damage to the Player and Tower.
MainMenuBehaviour Type: Class, inherits from Monobehaviour Description: A Behaviour Script designed to Load the Scene that contains the gameplay of our game when the Start Game button is pressed, displays the controls of the game when the Controls button is pressed, displays the credits of all those who worked on the game when the Credits button is pressed, and ends the Application when the Quit button is pressed. All of these buttons are found in Scene 3.mainmenu on the Main Menu Canvas
GameOverBehaviour Type: Class, inherits from Monobehaviour Description: A Behaviour script that reloads the Scene that contains gameplay of our game when the Try Again button is pressed and ends the Application when the Quit button is pressed. These buttons are found in the Scene 4.gameover on the Game Over Canvas.
I also created the Prefabs for PlayerAttacker, TowerAttacker, and JunkBullet as well as the Main Menu Canvas and Game Over Canvas by using Assets provided by our team of artists and the above Classes.