Developers - Trench-Wars/twcore GitHub Wiki

TracNav(Index) The Trench Wars' Development Team encompasses four separate units that usually work in cohorts to develop all aspects of SSCU Trench Wars.

TW Development Leader: KrynetiX

The TW Bot Development Team (usually shortened into Bot Dev) is responsible for and develops Trench Wars' numerous bots. This team is part of the TW Dev team, which is responsible for all of the development within SSCU Trench Wars.

The TW Bot Development Team currently consists of the following members:

TWBotDev Leader: ThePAP/Trancid

TWBotDev Asisstant:

Senior Members: Senior Members are trusted Team Management/Advanced members, They are promoted to show their dedication to Bot Development. -They have a say in what to do in an unexpected situations if the leader is offline.

  • CRe/zreqdf
  • Dezmond
  • dugwyler/qan
  • fLaReD
  • K A N E
  • POiD
  • WingZero

Members: Members have full access on's repository and access to the TW Dev Zone. To become a full member, a Junior Member must have completed a task/assignment, checked it into the repository, and successfully closed the ticket. They must also be trusted by the Team Management.

  • adaM
  • Cheese
  • Dral
  • Dexter
  • Eria
  • Infrared
  • JoyRider
  • oO.Oo
  • Plenty O`Toole
  • Phrenitis
  • Rob D
  • Star Fox
  • subby
  • WillBy

Junior Members: Junior Members are part of the bot team but are either still learning/training or haven't completed their first assignment yet.

  • 9th!
  • Ahmad~/red desert
  • Board
  • Cyclone
  • DarkGriz
  • downisme
  • flawed soul
  • JabJabJab
  • paradise
  • TaxiToFlag

The TW Web Development Team (usually shortened into Web Dev) is responsible for and develops the site @ and all it's subsidiaries. This team is part of the TW Dev team, which is responsible for all of the development within SSCU Trench Wars.

The TW Web Development Team currently consists of the following members:

TWWebDev Leader: o)-<|

Senior Members: Senior Members are trusted Team Management/Advanced members, They are promoted to show their dedication to Web Development. -They have a say in what to do in an unexpected situations if the leader is offline.

  • POiD

Members: Members have full access on's repository and access to the TW Dev Zone. To become a full member, a Junior Member must have completed a task/assignment, checked it into the repository, and successfully closed the ticket. They must also be trusted by the Team Management.

Junior Members: Junior Members are part of the bot team but are either still learning/training or haven't completed their first assignment yet.

  • Ardour
  • cederic+
  • dugwyler/qan
  • Weedle
  • K A N E
  • Sniperdemon
  • KrynetiX

The TW Map Development Team (usually shortened into Map Dev) is responsible for the development of various maps, events, graphics and sound found throughout Trench Wars. This team is part of the TW Dev team, which is responsible for all of the development within SSCU Trench Wars.

The TW Map Development Team currently consists of the following members:

TWMapDev Leader: true_vision

Senior Members: Senior Members are trusted Team Management/Advanced members, They are promoted to show their dedication to Map Development. -They have a say in what to do in an unexpected situations if the leader is offline.

  • left_eye
  • lego/legas
  • pinkstar
  • wiibimbo
  • Krynetix/Aquarius
  • JabJabJab
  • AcidBomber
  • F22 Raptor
  • Sniperdemon

Members: Members have full access on's repository and access to the TW Dev Zone. To become a full member, a Junior Member must have completed a task/assignment, checked it into the repository, and successfully closed the ticket. They must also be trusted by the Team Management.

  • Hack
  • wicket666

Junior Members: Junior Members are part of the team but are either still learning/training or haven't completed their first assignment yet.

  • Shaddowknight/Sir Shaddow
  • Weedle
  • gripe

The TW Data Development Team (usually shortened into data) is responsible for the maintenance and development of Trench War's databases. This team is part of the TW Dev team, which is responsible for all of the development within SSCU Trench Wars.

The TW Data Development Team currently consists of the following members:

DBA/DataLeader: 24

Senior Members: Senior Members are trusted Team Management/Advanced members, They are promoted to show their dedication to persistence of data. -They have a say in what to do in an unexpected situations if the leader is offline.

  • WingZero
  • o)-<|

Members: Members have full access on's repository and access to the TW Dev Zone. To become a full member, a Junior Member must have completed a task/assignment, checked it into the repository, and successfully closed the ticket. They must also be trusted by the Team Management.

  • Ardour

Junior Members: Junior Members are part of the team but are either still learning/training or haven't completed their first assignment yet.

The following developers have worked on TWCore in the past: (in chronological/random order)

  • Dock> (Co-Creator)
  • Sphonk (Co-Creator)
  • 2dragons
  • lnx
  • Rodge_Rabbit
  • Cpt.Guano!
  • FoN
  • Thomas
  • script
  • Sika
  • Kyace
  • Stultus
  • Mr. Spam
  • Ikrit / Jacen Solo
  • Demystify
  • flibb
  • Mythrandir
  • Ayano
  • D1st0rt
  • milosh
  • fantus
  • Maverick
  • veLOce
  • Dezmond
  • Arobas+
  • SpookedOne

We honor each developer and contribution to TWCore.