Various Lorebook tricks & Caveats - TravelingRobot/NAI_Community_Research GitHub Wiki

  • Make someone mute (Monky): [ speech: Lucy is a mute & speaks only in sign language]

  • Making invisibility work (Valahraban): [ Invisibility cloak makes user imperceptible, completely transparent& hidden from sight.]

  • Breaking tropes (Monky) for characters that defy normal tropes: Try doing note: right before the tricky bit

  • Mixed ethnicity (Shincore): Asian&'Pacific Islander' mix (this is without using the word ethnicity)

  • Defining personality with Myers-Briggs (Shincore): NAI seems to understand the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types (ISTJ, ESTJ, etc.) might need more testing

  • Defining skin color (placebomancer):

    skin-tone: and complexion: both work well for human races, but not so much for fantasy races. I'm getting better results from skin color: and skin-color: with orcs, for example.

  • Defining a bald characters remains...tricky for now? (various): "Bald seems to consistently generate hair, but mentions that there is no facial hair. Although that was with human characters." (RollforPanda). hairless seems to work for non-human characters? invisible Hair seems to somewhat work (?);

    • Rando: "hair: none usually works for me.
    • RollForPanda: Hair: None vs Hair: Hairless seems to be the difference between more generation of hair vs skin covered, hairless head which is fine, unless they have something other than skin."
      "I will say, if the creature isn't humanoid, Hair: Hairless has been working wonders, it's when the AI thinks it needs to be more human that it messes up, which is more of a model size issue."
  • "Help! Sigurd makes the skin of my character furry!" Monky: "smooth skin has ALWAYS helped when the ai wanted to make furry skin (or facial hair on women)"

  • "Help! Sigurd makes my character have scales!" Monky: "So, it seems skin as a word (like blue skin) on any non-human seems to often bring up scales. [...] I swapped to flesh instead of skin and this resolved the character having scales"

  • Define relationship with protagonist (Wolfhound): "I found Role: acquaintance leads to characters asking 'getting to know you questions'" (might need more testing)

  • Defining non-human races (RollForPanda): "One thing I've noticed is that Species works better for me than Race, race seems to sometimes make it a human character."

  • Troubles with first name/lastname with "unusual" names (Shincore):

    the only way I could get NAI to properly recognize my first and last name as my first name and last name consistently was •I/My name: Shin Core first name Shin last name Core this was with the no sampling generation settings. every other way NAI would confuse my first name as my last name sometimes, or get them swapped. it also kept referencing my name as Japanese, so that may have caused some confusion as Japanese naming conventions have the surname or family name first.

    after doing some more tests, the issue that i was having previously with NAI switching my last name for my first seems to be associated with having a japanese/asian name. [...] switching to a western name or a non asian name fixed the inconsistent output. interesting that the association of the ethnicity of a name will cause NAI to make assumptions and change accordingly.

  • Word substitution for accents (rando). See rando's 2nd JSON example of Lucy to see an example of word substitution

  • The AI has trouble with lists: It will often be unable to pull things randomly from lists and usually prefer the first entries (various)

    • using and or or as a separator (instead of ,, & etc.) seems to get the best results so far. If the context of the list would allow for both and or or, prefer or. (OccultSage)
      • Example: [ Names: Sophia or Anastasia or Wendy or Julia or Penny ]