Writing_Decorators - TransferORM/transfer GitHub Wiki

Writing Decorators

A 'decorator' is used when you wish to write your own CFC to be used to represent data, in place of the Transfer generated Object.

An example of this being to write a User.cfc to represent a User record within a database.

The 'decorator' that has been written wraps around the TransferObject that is generated by Transfer and automagically extends any public method generated on the decorated TransferObject.

Authoring a Decorator

Decorators are set using the 'decorator' attribute on the 'object' element in the Transfer Configuration File

Decorators must extend transfer.com.TransferDecorator

Creating your own methods

You can create your own methods inside a decorator, which can reference the automagically generated methods (or not).

For example, if you wanted to return the full name of a user, you could write:

<cffunction name="getFullName" access="public" returntype="string" output="false">
	<cfretrun getFirstName() & " " & getLastName() />

Where 'firstname' and 'lastname' are properties on the User <object> definition.

Overwriting methods

If a method exists in the Decorator, it will overwrite the method of the generated TransferObject's method.

If you wish to have access to the TransferObject stored within the decorator, and any of its original generated methods, you can use getTransferObject() to return the original TransferObject

An example of an overwritten method that utilises these methods, is if a User TransferObject has a 'setHomePageURL()' method generated, that you wanted to ensure had 'http://' at the beginning, you could put in your User.cfc decorator

<cffunction name="setHomePageURL" access="public" returntype="void" output="false">
	<cfargument name="url" type="string" required="Yes">
	<cfif not findNoCase("http://", arguments.url)>
		<cfset arguments.url = "http://" & arguments.url>
	<cfset getTransferObject().setHomePageURL(arguments.url)>

This overwrites the generated setHomePageURL() method, and extends its functionality.

Access to Transfer

The method of getTransfer() is available to the Decorator CFC, and gives access to the transfer.com.Transfer CFC.

Access to the Datasource

The method getDatasource() is available to the Decorator CFC, and gives access to the transfer.com.sql.Datasource CFC.

Access to the Transaction

The method getTransaction() is available to the Decorator CFC, and gives access to the transfer.com.sql.transaction.Transaction CFC.

It is advised that you use the execute() method in the Transaction CFC to execute Transfer based Transactions, as the AOP advise() methods are tailored more towards singletons.

Setting up values in the Decorator

configure() on the TransferDecorator will be run when the object is first created. You can overwrite this when you implement your own Decorator CFC, and is a perfect place to set default values for your Transfer Object.

It should be noted that configure() is run before the object is populated, and therefore, any values it sets will be overwritten by those retrieved from the database.

For example, this will set the 'name' property in this TransferObject to 'foo' when it is first initialised:

<cffunction name="configure" access="private" returntype="void" output="false">
	<cfset setName("foo") />
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