Transactions_and_Transfer - TransferORM/transfer GitHub Wiki
The following gives an outline on how to manage Transactions with Transfer, some of the issues that are faced, and how they are resolved with Transfer.
There are two issues I was trying to solve with Transfer Transaction support, so let's look at a common Transfer Transaction scenario and see what the problems are. Say we have a TransferObject named 'Foo', and we have a Service, named 'FooService'. We may have some code that looks like:
<cffunction name="saveFoo" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="foo" hint="The foo" type="Foo" required="Yes"> <cfset var children = /> <cfset var child = 0 /><strong><font color="#7F0055"><cftransaction></font></strong> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save(, <b><font color="#7F0055">false</font></b>) <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfloop</font></strong> array=<font color="#2A00FF">"#children#"</font> index=<font color="#2A00FF">"child"</font><font color="#7F0055">></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save(child, <b><font color="#7F0055">false</font></b>) <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"></cfloop></font></strong> <strong><font color="#7F0055"></cftransaction></font></strong>
In which we save Foo, and its many FooChildren, and we wrap it in a <cftransaction>, so that if anything goes wrong, the whole set of data gets rolled back.
Now, there are two issues with this scenario that need to be addressed:
You can't nest the saveFoo() call inside another Transaction block. i.e. code that looks like:
<cffunction name="saveFooParent" hint="saving a Foo Parent" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="fooParent" hint="The foo" type="FooParent" required="Yes"> <cftransaction> <cfif arguments.fooParent.hasFoo()> <cfset saveFoo(arguments.fooParent.getFoo(), false) /> </cfif> <cfset getTransfer().save(arguments.fooParent, false) /> <cftransaction> </cffunction>
This will throw an error, as ColdFusion won't allow you to nest <cftransaction> blocks. We could write something similar to what Transfer already does, and pass a boolean to the save method to tell it whether or not to use an inner transaction, but this is cumbersome, and depending on your application architecture, you may not be in a position to know if a given method is in a transaction.
Cache synchronisation is a real problem when database data rolls back, and the Transfer cache stays the same.
i.e. If we look at the saveFoo() method above, if the data on Foo has been updated, but something goes wrong when saving the children, then the data for Foo gets rolled back along with everything else, but the cache stays the same, which can be a very bad thing, as your object data is totally out of sync with your database (and not when you want it to be).
So what is the solution? The solution is to use the new Transfer Transaction Object!
The Transaction object provides both:
- Nested Transaction support.
If a Transaction wraps another Transaction, the inner transaction just becomes merged with the outer, as if it was just one big Transaction. - Transfer cache synchronisation
If anything goes wrong in your Transaction, then Transfer will automatically discard any object whose data was modified during that Transaction.
So let's look at how we can use the Transaction object. First of all, how do we get it? Very simply, it's available from the TransferFactory, so can now go:
<cfscript> transaction = application.transferFactory.getTransaction(); </cfscript>
And get access to the Transaction object. On a side note, the reason it is accessible from the TransferFactory, and not Transfer, is because it is not specifically tied to Transfer. You can use this Transaction object with anything that requires a <cftransaction> wrapped around it.
There are three different ways you can use the Transaction object, and will look at them all, in regards to the example we gave above.
The first one is the simplest:
transaction.execute(component, methodName, [arguments])
This simply executes a given method (even private ones!) on a given component, with an optional struct of arguments, and automatically wraps the method call in a transaction!
In the instance of above, we would have to change our code to look something like:
<cffunction name="saveFoo" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="foo" hint="The foo" type="Foo" required="Yes"> <cfset getTransaction().execute(this, "_saveFoo", arguments)> </cffunction><cffunction name="_saveFoo" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="foo" hint="The foo" type="Foo" required="Yes"> <cfset var children = /> <cfset var child = 0 />
<strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save( <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfloop</font></strong> array=<font color="#2A00FF">"#children#"</font> index=<font color="#2A00FF">"child"</font><font color="#7F0055">></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save(child) <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"></cfloop></font></strong>
So the above code would execute the method _saveFoo, wrapped out in our nesting-safe Transaction. Pretty cool, but a bit cludgy as we have to implement a second method.
This type of Transaction handing is best suited for Transient objects, such as inside Decorators
I think we can do better, and in fact we can, using the second method.
transaction.advise(component, function)
For those of you who are familiar with Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), this method takes the component, and the function itself, and wraps a nesting-safe Transaction advise around the function that has been passed in. If that was a little high level, to give an example, I could change the FooService to be:
<cffunction name="init" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="transaction" hint="The transaction object" type="" required="Yes"><strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> arguments.transaction.advise(<b><font color="#7F0055">this</font></b>, saveFoo) <font color="#7F0055">/></font>
<cffunction name="saveFoo" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="foo" hint="The foo" type="Foo" required="Yes"> <cfset var children = /> <cfset var child = 0 />
<strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save( <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfloop</font></strong> array=<font color="#2A00FF">"#children#"</font> index=<font color="#2A00FF">"child"</font><font color="#7F0055">></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save(child) <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"></cfloop></font></strong>
So what happens at init() time, the original saveFoo() is wrapped up in a nesting-safe transaction, and you don't have to write much extra code, except to remove the old <cftransaction> tags, and tell the Transaction object what methods to advise. Much better than the first way, and it works on both private and public methods.
So the above, is very nice, however, what happens if we have a lot of functions we want to advise()? Well, the third way of using the Transaction Object is handy for that!
transaction.advise(component, regex, [debug])
With this approach, we can apply the Transaction advise to all methods, both public and private whose name matches the given regular expression.
For example, if we want to apply Transaction advice to every method that starts with 'save' in our FooService, we would just need to have our FooService written like:
<cffunction name="init" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="transaction" hint="The transaction object" type="" required="Yes"><strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> arguments.transaction.advise(<b><font color="#7F0055">this</font></b>, <font color="#2A00FF">"^save"</font>) <font color="#7F0055">/></font>
<cffunction name="saveFoo" hint="saves Foo, and its children" access="public" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfargument name="foo" hint="The foo" type="#34;Foo" required="Yes"> <cfset var children = /> <cfset var child = 0 />
<strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save( <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfloop</font></strong> array=<font color="#2A00FF">"#children#"</font> index=<font color="#2A00FF">"child"</font><font color="#7F0055">></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"><cfset</font></strong> getTransfer().save(child) <font color="#7F0055">/></font> <strong><font color="#7F0055"></cfloop></font></strong>
And we are done. If we ever add a method that has 'save' at the beginning of its name, such as the saveFooParent() from before, then it will automatically be wrapped up in a Transaction, even if the method is private.
If the 'debug' argument is set to true, the Transaction object will <cftrace> all the methods that are advised, so you can see if your method is being wrapped up in a Transaction or not.
AOP type of Transaction handing is best suited for Singletons, such as a Service Layer, due to the code generation that occurs.