Managing_Relationships_and_Compositions - TransferORM/transfer GitHub Wiki

Managing Relationships and Compositions

While we manage relationships in our physical database using Primary Keys and Foreign Keys, in Transfer we define our relationships in terms of Objects.

Transfer does not use the concept of foreign keys, rather it uses Object Composition, meaning that relationships are created by defining Objects that contain other Objects.

So in Transfer a relationship is manifested as an Object that exists inside another Object. For example, a Blog Post is written by a User. In our physical database the Blog Post table may have a foreign key that points back to the User table. With Transfer we'd have a Blog Post object that contains a User object.

Since relationships always map back to a foreign key in your database, let's start by looking at a sample database, and from there we will look at how it is represented with Objects via composition.

Sample Database

This database is used by the tBlog sample application, which can be downloaded here. It is comprised of 5 tables, each of which is required to support the blog application:

Table: tbl_User

Purpose: Each blog post is owned by a single user. Those user records are stored in this table.

Column Datatype Purpose
IDUser numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
User_Name string The name of the User
User_Email string The email address of the User

Table: tbl_Post

Purpose: The records for individual blog posts are stored in this table.

Column Datatype Purpose
IDPost numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDUser numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_User, links the Post with its corresponding User
post_Title string The title of the Post
post_Body string The contents of the Post
post_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added

Table: tbl_Comment

Purpose: Each blog post can have multiple comments associated with it. The records for those comments are stored in this table.

Column Datatype Purpose
IDComment numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDPost numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Post, links the Comment with its corresponding Post
comment_Name string The name associated with the Comment
comment_Value string The text of the Comment
comment_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added

Table: tbl_Category

Purpose: Blog posts can be assigned to categories. The records that describe each category are stored in this table.

Column Datatype Purpose
IDCategory numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
category_Name string The name of the Category
category_OrderIndex string Used for sorting Categories for output
comment_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added

Table: lnk_PostCategory

Purpose: Each blog post can be assigned to multiple categories, and each category can have multiple blog posts assigned to it. The records that keep track of the link between a single blog post and a single category are stored in this table.

Column Datatype Purpose
lnkIDPost numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Post
lnkIDCategory numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Category

Where Are the relationships?

As mentioned above, relationships in Transfer are always manifested in your database as foreign keys. So, if we want to find the relationships in our database we look for foreign keys. The sample database contains four foreign keys:

tbl_post.lnkIDUser implements a one-to-many relationship between Users and Posts. tbl_comment.lnkIDPost implements a one-to-many relationship between Posts and Comments. lnk_postcategory.lnkIDPost plus lnk_postcategory.lnkIDCategory implement a many-to-many relationship between Posts and Categories.

Note that when talking about foreign keys in a relational database we only use the term one-to-many. In terms of your physical database Transfer's concepts of OneToMany and ManyToOne are identical. You cannot differentiate between a OneToMany and a ManyToOne in your physical database - they are both implemented via a foreign key.

That means that when creating a Transfer relationship from a one-to-many, as a result of a foreign key in our database, we need to decide whether to model that to Transfer as a OneToMany or a ManyToOne. Note that this decision must be made. You cannot define both a OneToMany and a ManyToOne to Transfer for a single foreign key in your database. More on how to make this decision can be found below.

The many-to-many is more straightforward. A many-to-many in your database, implemented via a linking table, becomes a ManyToMany in Transfer. The one exception to this is if you are storing data in your linking table that is not just the two foreign keys. If you are storing additional data in your linking table you cannot use Transfer's built-in ManyToMany support. You must model that as a combination of ManyToOne and/or OneToMany relationships. A simple rule to follow is that if you have more than 2 columns in your linking table, not including a auto-generated primary key, you cannot use a ManyToMany relationship.

OneToMany or ManyToOne?

So, how does one decide whether to model a one-to-many in a database as a OneToMany or a ManyToOne?

First it is important to understand the difference between a OneToMany and ManyToOne in Transfer, quoting from another part of the wiki:

OneToMany composition is useful when you wish for TransferObjects on both sides of the relationship to see each other, or for the Parent to have a collection of the child objects attached to it.

A ManyToOne collection is useful when, either for application design, or performance reasons, you only want an Objects to load one side of the relationship, and not generate a collection of Objects.

For example, we have a series of Comments on a Blog Post, we want the Post to have a collection of Comments on it, so we would use a OneToMany (we assume we won't have too many Comments per Blog Post).

However, if we had a Product which could be included in hundreds of Orders, we would build our Order object with a ManyToOne to Product, so that an Order would have a Product attached, but the Product would have no need to be aware of its Orders.

In other words, you can think of OneToMany as OneWithMany, and ManyToOne as one of ManyWithOne.


Database Tables


Column Datatype Purpose
IDUser numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
User_Name string The name of the User
User_Email string The email address of the User


Column Datatype Purpose
IDPost numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDUser numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_User, links the Post with its corresponding User
post_Title string The title of the Post
post_Body string The contents of the Post
post_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added

Transfer.xml Configuration

<package name="user">
	<object name="User" table="tbl_User">
		<id name="IDUser" type="numeric"/>
		<property name="Name" type="string" column="user_Name"/>
		<property name="Email" type="string" column="user_Email"/>

<package name="post"> <object name="Post" table="tbl_Post"> <id name="IDPost" type="numeric"/> <property name="Title" type="string" column="post_Title"/> <property name="Body" type="string" column="post_Body"/> <property name="DateTime" type="date" column="post_DateTime"/> <manytoone name="User"> <link to="user.User" column="lnkIDUser"/> </manytoone> </object> </package>

Note that we place the ManyToOne declaration in the object whose table contains the foreign key. We tell transfer the name of the column that represents the foreign key, and the name of the object whose table contains the corresponding primary key.

Sample Code

Setting a ManyToOne

	post ="post.Post");
post.setTitle(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;My Title&#34;</font>);
post.setBody(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;The body of my post&#34;</font>);

user = transfer.get(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;user.User&#34;</font>,1);



In order to set the User for a Post, we must first get the Transfer Object that corresponds to the User, and then pass that into the setUser() method of the Post object.

Getting a ManyToOne

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
<b><font color="#7F0055">if</font></b> (post.hasUser()) {
	user = post.getUser();


In order to retrieve the User from a Post, we simply call the getUser() method, which returns a User Transfer Object to us. Note that if it is possible that the User may not be set for the Post (e.g., if the lnkIDUser allows NULLs), it is wise to check for the existence of a User first by calling hasUser().


Database Tables


Column Datatype Purpose
IDPost numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDUser numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_User, links the Post with its corresponding User
post_Title string The title of the Post
post_Body string The contents of the Post
post_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added


Column Datatype Purpose
IDComment numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDPost numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Post, links the Comment with its corresponding Post
comment_Name string The name associated with the Comment
comment_Value string The text of the Comment
comment_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added

Transfer.xml Configuration

<package name="post">
	<object name="Post" table="tbl_Post">
		<id name="IDPost" type="numeric"/>
		<property name="Title" type="string" column="post_Title"/>
		<property name="Body" type="string" column="post_Body"/>
		<property name="DateTime" type="date" column="post_DateTime"/>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;onetomany</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Comment&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;link</font></b> to=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;post.Comment&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;lnkIDPost&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;collection</font></b> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;array&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">&#62;</font>
			<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;order</font></b> property=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;DateTime&#34;</font> order=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;asc&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/collection&#62;</font></b>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/onetomany&#62;</font></b>
<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/object&#62;</font></b>

<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;object</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Comment&#34;</font> table=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;tbl_Comment&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">&#62;</font>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;id</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;IDComment&#34;</font> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;numeric&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;property</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Name&#34;</font> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;string&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;comment_Name&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;property</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Value&#34;</font> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;string&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;comment_Value&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;property</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;DateTime&#34;</font> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;date&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;comment_DateTime&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/object&#62;</font></b>


Note that we place the OneToMany declaration in the object whose table does not contain the foreign key. We refer to that object as the Parent. We tell Transfer to link back to the object whose table contains the foreign key. We refer to that object as the Child. We must specify the name of the column in the Child table that represents the foreign key.

Because a OneToMany creates a collection, we need to tell Transfer whether that collection should be an array or a structure. If it is to be an array, we can optionally specify a sort sequence for the items in that array. This sort sequence must point to a property in the Child object.

We can also ask Transfer for create the collection as a structure, for example:

<onetomany name="Comment">
	<link to="post.Comment" column="lnkIDPost"/>
		<collection type="struct">
		<key property="DateTime"/>

In this case we're asking for a struct, the keys of which are the values of the DateTime property in each of the Child objects. Note that the key values must be unique for a given Parent.

Sample Code

Setting a OneToMany

	comment ="post.Comment");
comment.setName(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Bob Silverberg&#34;</font>);
comment.setValue(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;The content of my comment&#34;</font>);

post = transfer.get(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;post.Post&#34;</font>,1);



In order to set the Post for a Comment (which is the same as adding a Comment to a Post), we must first get the Transfer Object that corresponds to the Post, and then pass that into the setParentPost() method of the Comment object.

Removing a OneToMany

	comment = transfer.get("post.Comment",1);


That will set the value of the foreign key in tbl_Comment to NULL, and will remove the Comment object from the collection stored in the Post object.

Getting a Parent

	comment = transfer.get("post.Comment",1);
<b><font color="#7F0055">if</font></b> (comment.hasParentPost()) {
	post = comment.getParentPost();


In order to retrieve the Post for a Comment, we simply call the getParentPost() method, which returns a Post Transfer Object to us. Note that if it is possible that the Post may not be set for the Comment (e.g., if the lnkIDPost allows NULLs), it is wise to check for the existence of a Post first by calling hasParentPost(). In our example application this would be unnecessary, as it doesn't make sense to have a Comment that doesn't belong to a Post.

Getting a Collection

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
comments = post.getCommentArray();


That will return an array that contains one Comment Transfer Object for each Comment that exists for the given Post.

Getting a Child

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
comment = post.getComment(1);


That will return a Comment Transfer Object that is the first Child found in the Post's collection of Comments. Note that this will throw an error if the child requested does not exist in the collection.


Database Tables


Column Datatype Purpose
IDPost numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
lnkIDUser numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_User, links the Post with its corresponding User
post_Title string The title of the Post
post_Body string The contents of the Post
post_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added


Column Datatype Purpose
IDCategory numeric Primary Key (auto-generated)
category_Name string The name of the Category
category_OrderIndex string Used for sorting Categories for output
comment_DateTime datetime The date/time that the Post was added


Column Datatype Purpose
lnkIDPost numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Post
lnkIDCategory numeric Foreign Key back to tbl_Category

Transfer.xml Configuration

<package name="post">
	<object name="Post" table="tbl_Post">
		<id name="IDPost" type="numeric"/>
		<property name="Title" type="string" column="post_Title"/>
		<property name="Body" type="string" column="post_Body"/>
		<property name="DateTime" type="date" column="post_DateTime"/>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;manytomany</font></b> name=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;Category&#34;</font> table=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;lnk_PostCategory&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;link</font></b> to=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;post.Post&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;lnkIDPost&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;link</font></b> to=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;system.Category&#34;</font> column=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;lnkIDCategory&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;collection</font></b> type=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;array&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">&#62;</font>
			<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;order</font></b> property=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;OrderIndex&#34;</font> order=<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;asc&#34;</font><font color="#7F0055">/&#62;</font>
		<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/collection&#62;</font></b>
	<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/manytomany&#62;</font></b>
<b><font color="#7F0055">&#60;/object&#62;</font></b>


<package name="system"> <object name="Category" table="tbl_Category"> <id name="IDCategory" type="numeric"/> <property name="Name" type="string" column="category_Name"/> <property name="OrderIndex" type="numeric" column="category_OrderIndex"/> </object> </package>

Note that we place the ManyToMany declaration in the object from which we wish to navigate. Because ManyToMany is not bi-directional, we must choose one object which will be the starting point for manipulating the relationship. We will refer to that object as the Parent. We will refer to the object that represents the other side of the ManyToMany relationship as the Child. We tell transfer the name of the table in our database that is used to record the links between the two objects. We also need to tell transfer the names of the foreign key columns in that table, as well as which object each foreign key points to. Note that we must record the link to the Parent object first in the configuration file.

Because a ManyToMany creates a collection, we need to tell Transfer whether that collection should be an array or a structure. If it is to be an array, we can optionally specify a sort sequence for the items in that array. This sort sequence must point to a property in the Child object.

We can also ask Transfer for create the collection as a structure, for example:

<manytomany name="Category" table="lnk_PostCategory">
	<link to="post.Post" column="lnkIDPost"/>
	<link to="system.Category" column="lnkIDCategory"/>
	<collection type="struct">
		<key property="OrderIndex"/>

In this case we're asking for a struct, the keys of which are the values of the OrderIndex property in each of the Child objects. Note that these values must be unique for a given Parent.

Sample Code

Setting a ManyToMany

	post ="post.Post");
post.setTitle(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;My Title&#34;</font>);
post.setBody(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;The body of my post&#34;</font>);

category = transfer.get(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;system.Category&#34;</font>,1);



In order to add a Category to a Post, we must first get the Transfer Object that corresponds to the Category, and then pass that into the addCategory() method of the Post object.

Removing a ManyToMany

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
category = transfer.get(<font color="#2A00FF">&#34;system.Category&#34;</font>,1);



In order to remove a Category from a Post, we must first get the Transfer Object that corresponds to the Category, and then pass that into the removeCategory() method of the Post object.

Clearing all ManyToManys

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);


That will remove all Categories from the Post.

Getting a Collection

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
categories = post.getCategoryArray();


That will return an array that contains one Category Transfer Object for each Category that exists for the given Post.

Getting a Child

	post = transfer.get("post.Post",1);
category = post.getCategory(1);


That will return a Category Transfer Object that is the first Child found in the Post's collection of Category. Note that this will throw an error if the child requested does not exist in the collection.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️