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Transfer ORM

Transfer is an Object Relational Mapper for ColdFusion.

Transfer was updated by the community in late 2014 to fix bugs and a 1.3 version was released for people who still require Transfer in legacy projects. Check out how to migrate to Transfer 1.3.

It's main focus is to automate the repetitive tasks of creating the SQL and custom CFCs that are often required when developing an Object Oriented ColdFusion application.

Through a central configuration file Transfer knows how to generate objects, and how to manage them and their relationships back to the database, without you having to write any of the SQL or write the CFCs by hand.

Please note, due to the fact that Transfer is not actively developed anymore. This is just a static HTML copy of the original Wiki for archive purposes.

Getting Started

Getting started with Transfer is relatively straight forward, and there are a lot of resources available to get you going.

Development Guides

Reference Guides