Feature List - TranquilTort/Ask-Meeple GitHub Wiki
Feature List for board gaming Ask-Meeple.
Account Creation
- Optional authentication for access (guests can view content).
- Users are prompted to login if interacting with features that require authentication.
- Those features would be asking a question, commenting, or posting a review.
- Check each time for authentication when doing one of the three above things.
- Login prompt displays form that takes in a username and password.
- Separate pages for login and create new account.
- Login page will have a link to 'create new account' page (not redirect to).
- Once logged in, user can go to that user's homepage with that user's posts.
Post Creation CREATE
- Requires login.
- Redirects to a form that requires a post title, post body, optional post tags, image URL
- Upon post, user is directed to a page with feed of posts.
- Viewing posts does not require login.
- Requires login.
- User must be original poster to edit the post.
- Redirects to a form with fields filled in from original post.
- Display a button for the original poster
- This will delete the post and all comments associated with that post
- Clicking on button will have a pop-up for confirmation.
- After deleting from database, remove from HTML.
Commenting on Posts CREATE
- Requires login.
- Displays comments form and comments underneath post when comment button is clicked.
- Post comment upon clicking on 'Submit' button.
- Viewing comments does not require login.
- Requires login.
- User must be original poster to edit the post.
- Displays a form underneath that comment, pre-filled in with existing values.
- Display a button for the original creator of comment.
- Ask for confirmation when choosing to delete.
- This will delete the comment, no changes to the post's content.
Searching by title/tag
- On main page, have a search bar on the navigation bar (navigation bar will be on every page).
- It will be just an input field and a button.
- Only return results that directly match a string or tag.
- After a search, redirects user to a page with search results.
- Does not require login to search.
Grouping by tag
- Have a sidebar with clickable tags.
- Clicking a tag will result in a search, using that tag as the search term.
- Tags will be defined beneath specific posts, as specified by the user making the post.
- On homepage display, questions/posts will be ordered by most recent.
Bonus Features
Voting on Posts
- Requires login.
- Thumbs up for upvote, thumbs down for downvote
- Points will be displayed.
- Search will be ordered by upvote/downvote.
Voting on Comments
- Requires login.
- Thumbs up for upvote, thumbs down for downvote
- Points will be displayed.
Replies to Comments
- Requires login. (discuss this after other implementations)