Git rutinary steps - TradingLab/tlrec GitHub Wiki

Call git commands from system prompt $ in the dev directory, e.g.

$ cd ~/TradingLab/MyProject

$ git -h

Set up git environment

Go to the development directory to start git operation and press:

$ git init

For creating a clone from an external repository, you have this command:

$ git clone

It is recommended the use of ssh, for this, we generate a public key in your local system:

First set up the email and user name:

$ git config --global "[email protected]"

$ git config --global "myname"

$ ssh-keygen

$ cat ~/.ssh/

Open the file and copy the public key and create a SSH conection in Github, paste the public key.

$ cd ~/TradingLab/MyProject

Test the connection, try to SSH into GitHub.

$ ssh -T [email protected]

Generate in local server the recommended readme file:

$ touch

Before any push operation it is required this command to refresh from external repository:

$ git pull MyProject master

Development steps

Here we have a void file, check version status:

$ git status

It will appear this file with status in red, add things to be pushed to the project repository in GitHub:

$ git add .


$ git add --all

Viewing the "git status" command now appear in green, make a commit for the first project version

$ git commit -m "Commit test"

Now upload the first version to GitHub repository:

$ git push MyProject master

For that command, enter the corresponding password submitted previously to the GitHub with the public ssh key.

The repository is now updated.