Downloading Yahoo data - TradingLab/tlrec GitHub Wiki
Here's a neat way to download stock data from Yahoo, perhaps into a spreadsheet (so you can play with the data): a BUNCH of STOCK SYMBOLS separated by "+" &f=a bunch of special tags
A file "quotes.csv"is generates in your system for symbols XOM, BBDd.TO, JNJ and MSFT
The special tags are resumed here:
- a Ask
- a2 Average Daily Volume
- a5 Ask Size
- b Bid
- b2 Ask (Real-time)
- b3 Bid (Real-time)
- b4 Book Value
- b6 Bid Size
- c Change & Percent Change
- c1 Change
- c3 Commission
- c6 Change (Real-time)
- c8 After Hours Change (Real-time)
- d Dividend/Share
- d1 Last Trade Date
- d2 Trade Date
- e Earnings/Share
- e1 Error Indication (returned for symbol changed / invalid)
- e7 EPS Estimate Current Year
- e8 EPS Estimate Next Year
- e9 EPS Estimate Next Quarter
- f6 Float Shares
- g Day's Low
- h Day's High
- j 52-week Low
- k 52-week High
- g1 Holdings Gain Percent
- g3 Annualized Gain
- g4 Holdings Gain
- g5 Holdings Gain Percent (Real-time)
- g6 Holdings Gain (Real-time)
- i More Info
- i5 Order Book (Real-time)
- j1 Market Capitalization
- j3 Market Cap (Real-time)
- j5 Change From 52-week Low
- j6 Percent Change From 52-week Low
- k1 Last Trade (Real-time) With Time
- k2 Change Percent (Real-time)
- k3 Last Trade Size
- k4 Change From 52-week High
- k5 Percebt Change From 52-week High
- l Last Trade (With Time)
- l1 Last Trade (Price Only)
- l2 High Limit
- l3 Low Limit
- m Day's Range
- m2 Day's Range (Real-time)
- m3 50-day Moving Average
- m4 200-day Moving Average
- m5 Change From 200-day Moving Average
- m6 Percent Change From 200-day Moving Average
- m7 Change From 50-day Moving Average
- m8 Percent Change From 50-day Moving Average
- n Name
- n4 Notes
- o Open
- p Previous Close
- p1 Price Paid
- p2 Change in Percent
- p5 Price/Sales
- p6 Price/Book
- q Ex-Dividend Date
- r P/E Ratio
- r1 Dividend Pay Date
- r2 P/E Ratio (Real-time)
- r5 PEG Ratio
- r6 Price/EPS Estimate Current Year
- r7 Price/EPS Estimate Next Year
- s Symbol
- s1 Shares Owned
- s7 Short Ratio
- t1 Last Trade Time
- t6 Trade Links
- t7 Ticker Trend
- t8 1 yr Target Price
- v Volume
- v1 Holdings Value
- v7 Holdings Value (Real-time)
- w 52-week Range
- w1 Day's Value Change
- w4 Day's Value Change (Real-time)
- x Stock Exchange
- y Dividend Yield
For example, if y'all copy and paste this URL into your browser address:
gives this:
"GENERAL ELEC CO",32.98,"Jun 26","21.30 - 32.98","NYSE",2.66,"Jul 25",28.55,"Jul 3","-0.21%"
Data is downloaded in .csv format ... that's comma-separated-values.
Some stock names include commas.
The data associated with such a stock won't look good ... things gets shifted to the right. ^#$%@!&?
Solution? (as suggested by Azamul K.)
Put the name LAST ... in the right-most column.
Extracted from