Setup Strategies - TraderPlan/wiki GitHub Wiki
The Straddle Strategy is a strategy whereby the TraderPlan automation buys and sells are set to trade within a given range. A straddle follows a pure dollar cost average strategy. TraderPlan will buy and sell the same dollar amount independent of the current market price. The user has the power to establish the range, the margin thresholds, and maximum allocation that would be dedicated to each individual straddle.
You can read more about it HERE.
The Pivot Strategy is a strategy whereby the TraderPlan automation will progressively buy the Base currency as its value decreases and will sell when its value reaches the desired profits. The user has the power to establish the starting position size, the percent the value has to drop before it buys, the position multiplier, the percent value you want to gain, and other personal preference options.
You can read more about it HERE.
The Target Strategy is a strategy whereby the TraderPlan automation buys or sells until the amount of your base currency is the same as your target amount. You can also set the maximum buy price and minimum sell price.
You can read more about it HERE.