How to use - Traceton/next-generator GitHub Wiki

How to use next-generator

Make sure you're in the root directory of your app before running any commands.

you can now enter any of the available commands below:

nextGen help - Gives your versions readme and commands available with your version of next-generator

nextGen init - Creates your nextGenConfig.json file with some default settings.

nextGen generate - Used with the commands below to generate different components.

❗ New files will not overwrite existing ones ❗

Generate all crud routes, pages, models utility functions for a specific model and its attributes.

❗ Remember, If using prisma and postgresql as your database, you need to run npx prisma migrate dev before starting your dev server❗

Format : generate crud model-name field-name:data-type field-name:data-type

Example: generate crud blogPost mainTitle:String description:String