500 502, and general checklist - Torniojaws/vortech-backend GitHub Wiki
If you start to get 500/502 from it, go through these first:
- The first thing to check is the uWSGI log:
and check for errors - Make sure the file
exists and has correct values (defined in Ansible vault)
If uWSGI logs say something like "Cannot import/find Flask", might need to do these steps:
- Make sure Python 3.6+ is installed and default
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.6 1
- Make sure uWSGI uses Python 3.6+
wget https://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-latest.tar.gz
tar -xvzf uwsgi-latest.tar.gz
mv uwsgi-2.0.17 uwsgi
cd uwsgi
make PROFILE=nolang # no language defaults allows flexibility for python versions
PYTHON=python3.6 # or --> PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6
./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/python python36"
mv python36_plugin.so plugins/python
cd ..
sudo mv uwsgi /usr/local
sudo ln -s /usr/local/uwsgi/uwsgi /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
Then, you can use it in configuration files as follows:
plugins-dir = /usr/local/uwsgi/plugins/python
plugin = python36