choices.yaml - Toparvion/analog GitHub Wiki

  - group: STDOUT                                                   # arbitrary name of choices group; the name will be displayed in web UI
      - path: /home/upc/lunix-app.log
      - path: C:/Users/upc/windows-app.log
      - path: ${user.home}/lunix-app.log                            # user.home is JVM property
      - path: node://second/home/upc/node-app.log                   # second is the name of node as declared in 'nodes' config section
      - path: docker://docker-container
      - path: kubernetes://my-pod-4g5h57-hj4d
      - path: k8s://my-pod-4g5h57-hj4d                              # k8s:// is the same as kubernetes://
      - path: k8s://deployment/my-deployment
      - path: k8s://deployment/my-deployment/pod/my-pod-34fg45-zx12
      - path: k8s://deployment/my-deployment/pod/my-pod-34fg45-zx12/container/main-container
      - path: k8s://namespace/my-space/deployment/my-deployment/pod/my-pod-34fg45-zx12/container/main-container

  - group: MT
    plainLogsLocalBase: C:\lang\analog\log-samples\
      - path: core.log
        title: 'static $f - $g'                                     # $f will be replaced with file name (core.log) in UI
        selected: true                                              # this means that this log will be selected in UI upon page loading
      - path: pppinfo.log
      - path: generated\core.log
        title: 'generated $f - $g'                                  # $g will be replaced with group name (MT) in UI
      - title: 'My First Composite'
        uriName: my-first-composite                                 # this name will be used in URL reference as composite://my-first-composite
        selected: false
          - path: C:\lang\analog\log-samples\generated\gen.log
            timestamp: dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss,SSS                        # e.g. 17.11.19 22:31:03,084
          - path: docker://my-container
            timestamp: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS                      # e.g. 2017-11-09 22:31:03.084
          - path: node://second/pub/analog/log-samples/sample.log
            timestamp: dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss,SSS
        - C:\lang\analog\log-samples\
        - C:\users\me\logs\
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