Use Case 4 Create & read shift reports - Tonnius/Tiim14-50 GitHub Wiki


Create & read shift reports

Functional requirement

allow head waiters to catalog the beginning and end states of workdays, as well as shift reports


Database of orders exists; Database of shift reports exists; Orders can be separated by creation time; The system has a subsystem where to view shift report information;

Primary Actor

Head waiter

Main Success Scenario

Head waiter accesses the subsystem where to see periodically separated sum of income for orders in a specified time period;

  1. User chooses the option to lock the shift report so orders of the specified time period cannot be modified later; The system creates a new shift report line into the database of shift reports; The system modifies the time field of each order of that period, so all these orders will be marked locked and connected to the shift report created through its ID;

  2. User chooses the option to view shift reports and income statistics (for a shift, for a specified time period); The system connects to the database of shift reports and to the database of orders and shows user information based on the creation dates of shift reports.


  1. User chooses invalid date for a shift report to be created: The system shows a notification and shows what information is invalid; The system gives a chance to modify the invalid information.

  2. User chooses invalid date for a shift report existing to be viewed: The system shows a notification and shows what information is invalid; The system gives a chance to modify the invalid information.

  3. Connection/insertion to the necessary databases fails: The system shows a notification and asks the user to try again later.