Test Case 1 Creating new products for a menu - Tonnius/Tiim14-50 GitHub Wiki

Test case: Creating new products for a menu

Test case ID: TC1

Related requirements:

  • allow restaurant managers to put together menus and special offers;
  • support the currencies of the countries occupied by the restaurants;

Input that is used for the test to verify the functionality:

  1. We expect that a database for new products exist and products can be separated from each other by an unique Item_ID * (in database all values can be inserted as strings, but the system prevents user from doing it);
  • we expect that a price (in different currencies), name etc values can be assigned to a product;
  • we expect that the Item_ID is an automatically set integer, the name is a string and prices are of double type;
  • we expect that a database for a new menu exists and menu has an unique Menu_ID (automatically set integer which can be chosen from a system menu, expecting that we have created a menu into database);
  • we expect that a label(string), restaurant_ID(automatically set integer which can be chosen from a system menu, expecting that a restaurant as been set up in a database) etc values can be assigned to a menu;
  • we expect that the system allows to insert integers and double values into string value spots, but only integer or double values can be inserted into double spots;
  1. Different types of product descriptions (sets of values of different types (integers, strings): at least a name and prices in different currencies) to be inserted into a product database and to be connected to a concreet menu through menu_ID (for example: [1. set: name: "Pizza nr.1", price_in_euros: 5, price_in_dollars: 7, ...]; [2. set: name: "Pizza nr.2", price_in_euro: '%', price_in_dollars: 7, ...]; [3. set: name: "12345", price_in_euro: 14, price_in_dollars: "qwerty", ...]; [4. set: name: "Suvaline", price_in_euros: "abc", price_in_dollars: "def", ...];

  2. A menu description (label of string type) to be inserted into a product database (for example: "Suvalise Pitsabaari Menüü nr. 1");

Steps performed during the verification process:

  1. The restaurant manager creates a menu using the label name (for example "Suvalise Pitsabaari Menüü nr.1") (we expect that the system allows to enter the label of the menu (string type, but integer, double etc also allowed) and the system connects the menu automatically to the current restaurant using restaurant_ID value; we also expect that the system does not allow to create the menu if label value is left empty);

2.1) The restaurant manager creates new products (for example using the values from set 1, set 2, set 3 and set 4 - described in previous column (we expect that the system has a place for head managers to add new products into the system (database)));

2.2) The restaurant manager inserts values from set 1 to create a new product and chooses a menu_ID from a system menu of a menu where to add it(we expect that system creates a database entry using these values and a new product is added);

2.3) The restaurant manager inserts values from set 2, 3, 4 to create new products and chooses a menu_ID from a system menu of a menu where to add it (we expect that system does not allow to add these values into the database as price_in_euros and price_in_dollars must be integers or double values, not strings or symbols);

Expected results:

The menu is inserted into the database and it is linked to the current restaurant using restaurant_ID. New products are linked to the menu using Menu_ID.