Homework 4 - Tonnius/Tiim14-50 GitHub Wiki

Eclipse debugger

  1. Name at least one method, where a breakpoint will stop the application execution right after pressing the "New purchase" button.

    • The method newPurchaseButtonClicked() in PurchaseTab class.

  2. Name a method, where a breakpoint will stop the application execution right after pressing the "Confirm" button (during confirming the order).

    • The method submitPurchaseButtonClicked in PurchaseTab class.

  3. List the subclasses of the java.awt.Container class, which regularly call doLayout() method (if you randomly use the application, Hint: put the breakpoint to the method Container#doLayout())

    • java.awt.Container subclasses: Dialog, FileDialog, Frame, Panel, ScrollPane, Window

  4. How many times the constructor new String() (without argument) in the class java.lang.String is used after pressing the New purchase button.

    • Three times.

  5. How many times the constructor new JPanel() (without argument) in the class javax.swing.JPanel is used after pressing the New purchase button.

    • None.

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