Game Statistics - TometoTom/MonkyGams GitHub Wiki



The game statistics defines which values should be stored for each game. This is specified in GameType, where the enumeration takes the parameter Class<? Extends GameStatistics>.

Default Game Statistics

The default game statistics contain games played, games won, and time played for each game. If you want more information than this, you must use custom game statistics.

Custom Game Statistics

You can create a custom games statistic model by extending GameStatistics.

Important: You must declare an empty public constructor in this class. This is because the API uses reflection to initiate this class for storing and reading JSON data. You must also declare a constructor which initialises all necessary fields. All fields should stay public for convenience. An example of this can be found in the games.meta.statistics package.

You must implement the method getInventory(). In this method, you must return the presentation of the statistics in the GUI. You must return a MonkyItemStack array of size 54. It is also important to note that slots 0, 4, and 8 are taken up by default GUI items.