Update a protection - Tomay0/PixelProtect GitHub Wiki

How to update a protection

It is very likely that after creating your protection you will want to expand it, it is also likely you might want to move or shift it slightly to better cover your base. This guide will teach you how to update your protection. Note that if you update your protection's borders, you will be asked to confirm using /pr confirm. You will get a chance to see the updated borders of your protection and assess if you want to make this change, or type the command differently.

Expanding (or contracting) your protection

/pr expand <name> <direction and size of expansion>

Note that if you choose to expand your protection, it will cost you in-game currency.

Imagine you have a protection which is 21 blocks by 21 blocks named "MyBase". It's likely you will want to expand this area. Let's say you want to build a farm to the west of your base, it's unnecessary to expand in all directions because that would cost more. If you want to expand the western border 20 blocks, you should type /pr expand MyBase w20. You can, of course, choose a different size and direction. For example: /pr expand MyBase e10.

You can also contract the size of your protection to get some in-game currency back from any area that you are not using. Simply use a negative size instead of a positive one to contract instead of expand. For example, move your southern border 10 blocks inwards: /pr expand MyBase s-10.

You can also expand in multiple directions at once. If you don't specify a direction and just a size, it will expand that many blocks in every direction. You can also specify multiple directions together, like /pr expand MyBase se20.

Moving your protection

/pr shift <name> <direction and shift amount> /pr move <name> <location to move>

Shifting your protection can be done very easily with the shift command. You just need to specify at least one direction and a number of blocks to shift by. For example: /pr shift MyBase s5 will move your protection named "MyBase" 5 blocks south. /pr shift MyBase s10 w5 will move your protection diagonally.

You can also move your protection to where you are standing with /pr move. When you type this command, you need to specify which part of your protection will be moved to where you are standing. For example, if you want the centre of "MyBase" to be where you are standing, type /pr move MyBase centre or /pr move MyBase c for short. Instead of centre, you can type a corner, such as NW, SW, NE or SE. Or the centre of a side: west, east, north, south. The last option you can pick is to move it relative to your protection's default home. You can do this with the command /pr move MyBase relhome. Note that this command will not update your protection's home.

Renaming your protection

/pr rename <old name> <new name>

This command is very straightforward. Just make sure the new name you pick is unique and doesn't have any spaces. You do not need to confirm when you rename.

Removing your protection

/pr remove <name>

Does this command even need an explanation?

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