Protection permissions - Tomay0/PixelProtect GitHub Wiki

How to setup permissions for your protection

PixelProtect has a very robust permission system that allows you to control permissions for each player both at a high level and a low level.

Permission Levels

/pr setperm <protection name> <username> <level>

There are 4 levels of permission you may have in a protection:

  • Owner the owner of the protection. There may only be one owner. They have permission to do everything with the protection.
  • Admin Admins can do most things the owner can. However, they cannot promote other players to admin or remove the protection.
  • Member Can build, interact, access chests and teleport to homes within the protection. Does not have any permission to update the border, change home locations or set permissions.
  • None no permission to use the protection at all. (Everyone you don't specifically invite will have this level)

For example, if you have a friend named "Minecrafter123" and you want them to be a member of your protection named "MyProtection", you can type /pr setperm MyProtection Minecrafter123 member

Admins are also allowed to use this command to give players member access, but they can't promote people to admin or demote them.

The owner of a protection allowed to set someone else as the owner, but this will demote them down to admin in the process.

Low-level permissions (Advanced)

/pr setperm <protection name> <username> <permission> <true/false>

Each permission level is broken up into lower level permissions, or "specific permissions". If you would like, you can control these lower-level permissions per user. Here is a list of all of them:

  • interact: Ability to interact with buttons, open doors and interact with crafting tables, etc.
  • chest: Ability to interact with blocks that store items. Such as chests, shulker boxes, furnaces, etc.
  • build: Ability to place and break blocks.
  • kill_friendly Ability to harm "friendly" entities, such as cows, pigs, etc.
  • kill_hostile Ability to harm hostile entities, such as zombies and skeletons.
  • home Ability to use /pr home
  • update Ability to use /pr expand /pr shift /pr move and /pr rename
  • sethome Ability to use /pr sethome
  • setperms Ability to update other player's permissions, provided they are at a lower permission level.
  • config Ability to use /pr flag and some other ones
  • remove Ability to use /pr remove


A player named Player123 wants to see your protection, but you don't trust them enough to let them access your chests or build blocks. You could give them the home and interact permissions without giving them member access by typing some commands: /pr setperm MyProtection Player123 interact true /pr setperm MyProtection Player123 home true. You can retype the command with false instead of true to revoke those permissions: /pr setperm MyProtection Player123 interact false /pr setperm MyProtection Player123 home false.

You can also reconfigure what permissions each level is allowed to have by default. Check out the protection configuration guide to see how to do this.

Viewing permissions

/pr perms /pr perms <protection name>

Type the protection name with this command to see what users have what permissions for a protection.

If you don't specify a protection name, you can view all protections you have permissions in and what those permissions are.

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