Import from grief prevention - Tomay0/PixelProtect GitHub Wiki

Import claims from the grief prevention plugin

This guide is for when you want to switch your server from using Grief Prevention to Pixel Protect.

Make sure you keep a backup of the entire GriefPreventionData/ directory in case things don't go the way you want them to.

It is also a good idea to whitelist the server while you are in the process of switching over.

  1. Remove GriefPrevention.jar from your plugins directory and add PixelProtect
  2. Start the server
  3. In the PixelProtect/ directory add a new directory called "import"
  4. Add all files from your GriefPreventionData/ClaimData to this directory (except _nextClaimID).
  5. Type /pr import griefprevention into the console (You can also type this as a player if you have OP or the pixelprotect.import permission).
  6. Check the results. There is a possibility that some claims may not be created due to differences in the plugins. For example: the minimum claim size is different and subdivided protections only apply to admin protections in Pixel Protect. If all goes well then all protections should be created with no issues. If you do get errors, you can either ignore them or create the protections manually. You could also try modifying the claim's data file and reimporting if you feel confident.
  7. Update admin protections. If you have admin protections, PixelProtect allows you to name them, but GriefPrevention does not. Assuming spawn is an area claimed by GriefPrevention, it might be a good idea to rename it to "Spawn" using /pr rename. All admin protections will be named admin1, admin2, admin3, etc.
  8. All done! It's probably a good idea at this point to teach your users how to use the new plugin. They might want to rename their protections or adjust the permissions a bit.