8. Upgrade Guide - TomGrill/gdx-facebook GitHub Wiki
1.4.x -> 1.5.0
- Android SDK 4.38.1 is used now
- Default Facebook Graph API Version is 3.2 now. This might break things in your app. Consider updating requests or change graphApi in GDXFacebookConfig.
1.3.x -> 1.4.0
- In case you want MOE read the MOE setup guide: https://github.com/TomGrill/gdx-facebook/wiki/3.-Setup-gdx-facebook
1.2.x -> 1.3.0
- gdx-facebook is now requires the latest mobidevelop-robopods (2.2.1+), latest robovm (2.3.0+), latest libgdx (1.9.6+). Please update your projects accordingly.
- There are a lot of changes regarding the iOS setup. Read and apply the iOS section of the setup guide: https://github.com/TomGrill/gdx-facebook/wiki/3.-Setup-gdx-facebook
- mobidevelop-robopods no longer come with Facebook SDK bundled. You need to add Facebook SDK by yourself. Also explained int the setup guide.
1.1.x -> 1.2.0
- Read the Setup Guide in case you want to support GWT
1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
- Adding robopods-facebook-ios and facebook-android-sdk manually to your build.gradle is no longer required.