2. Setup Facebook App - TomGrill/gdx-facebook GitHub Wiki

Before you can use gdx-facebook you have to set up a new app at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

Additional steps:


  1. Got Settings -> Advanced -> Enable "Native or desktop app?"
  2. Go to Products -> Facebook Login -> Client OAuth Settings and add to Valid OAuth redirect URIs: https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html


  1. Add a new platform Android.
  2. Enable Single Sign On
  3. Add the key hashes of your debug and certificate. Read this to find out how to do that. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/getting-started/
  4. Enable Deep Linking (only required when using Game Requests feature)


  1. Add a new platform iOS
  2. Enable Single Sign On
  3. Add the Bundle ID. (Must be same as your robovm.properties->app.id value.)
  4. Enable Deep Linking (only required when using Game Requests feature)


  1. Add a new platform Website
  2. Add the Facebook Login product to your app and add each URL your app is hosted to Valid O-Auth redirect URL list. Like: http://localhost:8080/html/