Learning Log 3 - ToluGb/DSF-S2024 GitHub Wiki


The highlight from the previous FOSS session, such as something you found particularly interesting. This could also be something you're excited to implement now.

  • I learned about project management principles and tools, as well as how important they are for reproducible and transparent research.
  • I learned the importance of leadership in project management activities. Most importantly, I learned more about the value of personal leadership in organizing my projects.


Something that you are looking forward to digging into deeper. This could also include ideas on how to apply concepts to your research in the future.

  • I learned about how to use a bash script to automate the creation of a working directory. I plan to try it out soon!


Something that was challenging that could be worked on, such as anything that wasn't 100% clear and could be elaborated on. Any sticking points should be addressed here.

Additional thought

Write anything that you think would be important for YOU later on.

  • I need to work more on my personal leadership to help me get ahead with my projects more effectively and efficiently