usermessage - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki




The UserMessage class represents a message sent direclty to a User's account.


long UserMessageID

The ID of the UserMessage.

long SourceUserID

The ID of the User that sent the UserMessage. If 0, the UserMessage should be treated as a system message.

long DestinationUserID

The ID of the User the UserMessage was sent to.

string SourceUsername

The Name of the User that sent the UserMessage.

string DestinationUsername

The Name of the User that the UserMessage was sent to.

bool IsGameIndependent

A boolean indicating whether the UserMessage is not meant for a specific Game only.

string Title

The title of the UserMessage.

string Message

The textual (message) of the UserMessage.

bool WasRead

A boolean indicating whether the UserMessage was read.

int SecondsSinceCreated

The number of seconds since the UserMessage was created.

int SecondsSinceModified

The number of seconds since the UserMessage was last modified.

int DestinationLastActivityInSeconds

The number of seconds since the User the UserMessage was sent to has been active in a together Game.

long DestinationClientID

The ID of the Client the User the UserMessage was sent to has last played a Game with.

long DestinationGameID

The ID of the Game the User the UserMessage was sent to has last played.

long DestinationPlatformID

The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User the UserMessage was sent to.

int SourceLastActivityInSeconds

The number of seconds since the User that sent the UserMessage has been active in a together Game.

long SourceClientID

The ID of the Client the User that sent the UserMessage has last played a Game with.

long SourceGameID

The ID of the Game the User that sent the UserMessage has last played.

long SourcePlatformID

The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User that sent the UserMessage.

PropertyCollection Properties

A property collection containing all custom properties for the UserMessage.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️