Using Analytics - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki

All network methods cause an analytic event to fire to Together's Analytics table. Most graphs visible on the playstogether dev website render using this analytic table.

The Together system also allows you to post game specific analytic events. There are two network methods in the Together class that allows a game to post a game analytic event.

public void AddAnalytic(string eventName, string propName, string propValue, OnCompleteHandler callbackFunc)

public void AddAnalyticEx(string eventName, PropertyCollection propertyCollection, OnCompleteHandler callbackFunc) The Together.Instance.AddAnalytic() network method allows the developer to post a single property Name/Value pair game analytic event to the server. Technically though, the server supports many properties per analytic event.

The Together.Instance.AddAnalyticEx() network method allows the developer to post many property Name/Value pairs in a single game analytic event to the server. The following shows how you can utilize Together.Instance.AddAnalyticEx().

PropertyCollection analyticPropertyCollection = new PropertyCollection();
analyticPropertyCollection.Set("DidSomething", "SomeValue");
analyticPropertyCollection.Set("Score", "22");
analyticPropertyCollection.Set("Pi", "3.141592");

Together.Instance.AddAnalyticEx("EnterMode", analyticPropertyCollection, null);