UserNotification - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki




The UserNotification class represents a together UserNotification.


long UserNotificationID

The ID of the UserNotification.

string NotficationType

The type of notification the UserNotification is.

string Purpose

The purpose of the UserNotification.

string Message

The textual (message) of the UserNotification.

long OriginalGameInstanceID

The ID of the original GameInstance associated with the UserNotification. This member is used for rematch invite notifications.

long GameInstanceID

The ID of the GameInstance associated with the UserNotification.

long AchievementID

The ID of the Achievement associated with the UserNotification. If the User accepts the UserNotification, then they will be awarded this Achievement.

long ItemID

The ID of the Item associated with the UserNotification. If the User accepts the UserNotification, then they will be awarded this Item.

int ItemCount

The number of Items to award the User when they accept the UserNotification.

string SocialType

The type of social network the User is registered with. Facebook="FB".

string SocialID

The ID of the social user the User had registered as. Facebook=[User's facebook ID].

long ChatRoomID

The ID of the ChatRoom the UserNotification was sent from.

long FromUserID

The ID of the User that sent the UserNotification.

string FromUsername

The username of the User that sent the UserNotification.

bool Processed

A boolean indicating whether the UserNotification was processed.

bool Accepted

A boolean indicating whether the UserNotification was accepted.

int SecondsSinceCreated

The number of seconds since the UserNotification was created.

int FromUserLastActivityInSeconds

The number of seconds since the User that sent the UserNotification has been active in any together Game.

long FromClientID

The ID of the Client the User that sent the UserNotification has last played a Game with.

long FromGameID

The ID of the Game the User that sent the UserNotification has last played.

long FromPlatformID

The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User that sent the UserNotification.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️