Tic Tac Toe Scripts Overview - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki

Each of the files contained in the example is given a brief description here.

Script File Description
Achievement.cs Displays the details of an Achievement. On this screen, the user is able to award and purchase the Achievement.
AchievementsLobby.cs Displays a list of Achievements configured for the Game.
ChatRoom.cs Displays the users and messages that belong to a ChatRoom. The user is able to perform various operations on the chat room and chat messages.
ChatRoomLobby.cs Displays a list of ChatRooms that currently exist in the Game.
CustomRegistration.cs Displays custom registration controls allowing the user to register via the Together custom registration system.
FacebookRegistration.cs Displays custom registration controls allowing the user to register via Facebook.
FacebookWallPost.cs Displays the contents of a wall post that can be submitted to the logged in User's wall.
FriendLobby.cs Displays a list of TogetherFriends and FacebookFriends if currently logged into Facebook.
GameInstance.cs Contains the multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game. This is strictly a 2 player game.
GameLobby.cs Displays a list of Games that can be played.
Helper.cs A little helper class that is used to initially setup the global Together instance.
Item.cs Displays the details of an Item. On this screen, the user is able to award, create, and purchase Items.
ItemsLobby.cs Displays a list of Items configured for the Game.
Leaderboard.cs Displays the details of a Leaderboard.
LeaderboardsLobby.cs Displays a list of Leaderboards the User is a part of.
Login.cs Displays simple screen allowing the user to login into their Together account.
LogUnity.cs A Unity specific Log class that once assigned to Log.Instance, outputs all log attempts by the Together sdk to Unity's log.
MainMenu.cs Displays the Main Menu for the entire Game. From here, the user can goto the various lobbies in the game.
Popup.cs Displays simple message box like popup to the user.
Register.cs Displays a list of registration options.
UserAchievement.cs Displays the details of a UserAchievement assigned to the user.
UserAchievementsLobby.cs Displays a list of UsersAchievements assigned to the logged in user.
UserItem.cs Displays the details of a UserItem assigned to the user.
UserItemsLobby.cs Displays a list of UsersItems assigned to the logged in user.