Tic Tac Toe Scripts Overview - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki
Each of the files contained in the example is given a brief description here.
Script File | Description |
Achievement.cs | Displays the details of an Achievement. On this screen, the user is able to award and purchase the Achievement. |
AchievementsLobby.cs | Displays a list of Achievements configured for the Game. |
ChatRoom.cs | Displays the users and messages that belong to a ChatRoom. The user is able to perform various operations on the chat room and chat messages. |
ChatRoomLobby.cs | Displays a list of ChatRooms that currently exist in the Game. |
CustomRegistration.cs | Displays custom registration controls allowing the user to register via the Together custom registration system. |
FacebookRegistration.cs | Displays custom registration controls allowing the user to register via Facebook. |
FacebookWallPost.cs | Displays the contents of a wall post that can be submitted to the logged in User's wall. |
FriendLobby.cs | Displays a list of TogetherFriends and FacebookFriends if currently logged into Facebook. |
GameInstance.cs | Contains the multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game. This is strictly a 2 player game. |
GameLobby.cs | Displays a list of Games that can be played. |
Helper.cs | A little helper class that is used to initially setup the global Together instance. |
Item.cs | Displays the details of an Item. On this screen, the user is able to award, create, and purchase Items. |
ItemsLobby.cs | Displays a list of Items configured for the Game. |
Leaderboard.cs | Displays the details of a Leaderboard. |
LeaderboardsLobby.cs | Displays a list of Leaderboards the User is a part of. |
Login.cs | Displays simple screen allowing the user to login into their Together account. |
LogUnity.cs | A Unity specific Log class that once assigned to Log.Instance, outputs all log attempts by the Together sdk to Unity's log. |
MainMenu.cs | Displays the Main Menu for the entire Game. From here, the user can goto the various lobbies in the game. |
Popup.cs | Displays simple message box like popup to the user. |
Register.cs | Displays a list of registration options. |
UserAchievement.cs | Displays the details of a UserAchievement assigned to the user. |
UserAchievementsLobby.cs | Displays a list of UsersAchievements assigned to the logged in user. |
UserItem.cs | Displays the details of a UserItem assigned to the user. |
UserItemsLobby.cs | Displays a list of UsersItems assigned to the logged in user. |