Tic Tac Toe Example Achievement - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki

The Achievement screen displays all the info for a particular Together Achievement. The DisplayText() method displays labels containing the Achievement's information. The DisplayButtons() method displays the Award button and the Purchase button.

When the Award button is pressed, the UserAchievementManager.Award() is called.

        m_Achievement.AchievementID,        // achievementID
        "",                                 // actionName
        0,                                  // roomID
        null,//m_Achievement.Properties,    // userAchievementProperties
        "",                                 // notificationMessage
        onAchievementAwarded);              // callbackFunc

When the Purchase button is pressed, the UserAchievementManager.Purchase() is called.

        m_Achievement.AchievementID,        // achievementID
        0,                                  // roomID
        null,//m_Achievement.Properties,    // userAchievementProperties
        false,                              // useGameUserProfileProperties
        onAchievementPurchased);            // callbackFunc