GameInstanceUser - TogetherGames/Public-Unity-CSharp GitHub Wiki
The GameInstanceUser class represents a User playing a together GameInstance or match.
long GameInstanceUserID
The ID of the GameInstanceUser.
long GameInstanceID
The ID of the GameInstance the GameInstanceUser belongs to.
long UserID
The ID of the User playing a GameInstance.
string Username
The Username assigned to the User.
string Name
The Name assigned to the User. This will be the same as Username unless the User had registered.
int TurnCount
The number of moves the User has made.
bool Active
A boolean indicating whether the GameInstance is active.
string SocialType
The type of social network the User is registered with. Facebook="FB".
string SocialID
The ID of the social user the User had registered as. Facebook=[User's facebook ID].
int LastActivityInSeconds
The number of seconds since the User has been active in the GameInstance.
long ClientID
The ID of the Client the User has last played a Game with.
long GameID
The ID of the Game the User has last played.
long PlatformID
The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User.
PropertyCollection Properties
A property collection containing all custom properties for the GameInstanceUser.
Post processes the GameInstanceUser's usernames. If a GameInstanceUser's User is registered, its Name member will be assigned the the name from their social network account. Otherwise, the Name member will be set to the User's Username.
Returns void
GameInstanceUser.PostProcessUsername( )