togetherachievement - TogetherGames/Public-Corona-Lua GitHub Wiki
The Achievement class represents a together Achievement.
long AchievementID
The ID of the Achievement.
string ActionName
The name of the action signifying what needs to be accomplished in order to get the Achievement.
string Name
The name of the Achievement.
string Description
A textual description of the Achievement.
number RequiredCount
The number of times the Achievement must be accomplished before it is completed.
boolean RequiredSequential
A boolean indicating whether the Achievement actions must be performed sequentially in time.
number RequiredItemID
The ID of the Item that is required in order to accomplish the Achievement.
number RequiredItemCount
The number of Items that are required in order to accomplish the Achievement.
number AwardItemID
The ID of the Item to award the User when they accomplish the Achievement.
number AwardItemCount
The number of Items that are awarded to the User when they accomplish the Achievement.
PropertyCollection Properties
A property collection containing all custom properties for the Achievement.
PropertyCollection PriceProperties
A property collection containing all the price related properties for the Achievement.