TogetherChatMessage - TogetherGames/Public-Corona-Lua GitHub Wiki




The ChatMessage class represents a single message in a chat room.


number ChatMessageID

The ID of the ChatMessage.

number ParentChatMessageID

The ID of the parent ChatMessage.

number UserID

The ID of the User associated with the ChatMessage.

string Username

The username assigned to the User.

string Name

The Name assigned to the User. This will be the same as Username unless the User had registered.

string Message

The textual message for the ChatMessage.

boolean Read

A boolean indicating whether the ChatMessage has been read.

number SecondsSinceCreated

The number of seconds since the ChatMessage was created.

number SecondsLinceLastModified

The number of seconds since the ChatMessage has been last modified.

number FromUserLastActivityInSeconds

The number of seconds since the User who submitted the ChatMessage has been active in a Together game.

number FromClientID

The ID of the Client the User has last played a Game with.

number FromGameID

The ID of the Game the User has last played.

number FromPlatformID

The ID of the Platform of the last played Game for the User.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️