Meeting 30.04.20 - TobiasSchmidtDE/DeepL-MedicalImaging GitHub Wiki
BigBlueButton Meeting Room
What happened so far
- fixed docker cuda issues
- normalizing module - set on hold until we have:
- combined the datasets
- imlemented architectures for which it makes sense to try out different normalization
- implemented all simple architectures: densenet, resnet, inceptionnet
- added experiment logging to the pipeline
- merging datasets:
- PLCO (On hold)
- ChestX-Ray14 NIH: Downloaded and rescaled. Still working on reformating labels CSV
- more details see [dataset description](Data Set & Preprocessing Methods)
- added generator implementation
Problems, questions & discussion points
- dataset: NaN encoding
- which pathologies we are interested in? See list of available pathologies in [dataset description](Data Set & Preprocessing Methods):
- ssh access - public key?
Next steps
- move models to lrz storage
- merging datasets
- Focus on chestX-Ray14 NIH
- Maybe add PLCO (discuss which pathologies we are interested in)
- integrate and document generator
- state of the art architectures
- reimplement generator for optional resizing
- Nico: find a radiologist
Next meeting: 14.04.20 um 15.30 Uhr