Meeting 15.06.20 - TobiasSchmidtDE/DeepL-MedicalImaging GitHub Wiki
What happened so far
- Infrastructure
- fix "duplicate metrics" bug in tensorboard
- Architecures
- Research on SotA CheXpert from leaderboard
- Analysis PCAM
- Analysis and implementation of Pham et al.
- All layers simple architecture (inceptionnet, densenet resnet)
- Preprocessing
- Stratified Split (Validation Notebook Dataset analysis)
- Smart Cropping
- GPU Util fix
- Other
- Benchmark class improvements & documentation
- Implement differnt loss functions
- Weighted BCE (Keras Version)
- Weighted BCE (Custom Version)
- More metrics
- Mean Binary Accuracy
- Precisin & Recall
- F2 Score
- "Fix" zero values in classifciation report
- Standardized experiments, benchmarks and model creation
- Model training
- Early Stopping
- Reduce Learning Rate on Plataeu
- Retrain models for chexpert
- InceptionNet
- Densenet
- Resnet
- Ensemble
Problems, questions & discussion points
- IDP Timeline (Retake Exams)
Next steps
- Masked Loss Function
- LSR (Label smoothing regularization)
- disease dependencies
- More training with cropping
- Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mappings (heatmaps)
- Retrain Ensemble
- More SOTA
- Use MIMIC Dataset
Next meeting: 16.07.2020 um 15:30Uhr