Meeting 14.05.20 - TobiasSchmidtDE/DeepL-MedicalImaging GitHub Wiki
BigBlueButton Meeting Room
What happened so far
- move models to gcp storage
- set up chestX-Ray14 NIH (download, repackaging, rescaling, reformatting labels, hosting)
- refactored setup scripts and code/notebooks for multiple datasets
- using .env to point to dataset directories
- improved documentation (general setup and datasets)
- integrate and document keras generator
- more documentation (see docker wiki entry)
- WIP (almost done) state of the art architectures (guendel et al)
- WIP (started) state of the art architectures (LEARNING TO DIAGNOSE FROM SCRATCH BY EXPLOITING DEPENDENCIES AMONG LABELS, Li Yao, Eri et al)
- WIP (almost done) remote access to jupyter lab, jupyter notebook and tensorboard
Problems, questions & discussion points
- Nico: find a radiologist
- merging datasets:
- which pathologies are we interested in? All of them? Specific ones?
- general feedback
- project progress
- documentation
- other?
- Radiologie Vorlesung in person?
- more datasets? see data set wiki entry
Next steps
- merging datasets
- Chexpert and chestX-Ray14 NIH
- rerun experiments with merged datasets
- more preprocessing, try out stuff
- reimplement generator for optional resizing
- finish state of the art architectures
- integrate remote access into docker build file
Next meeting: 28.05.2020 um 15:30Uhr