Features - TobiasHaan/Masterprojekt_Both_Gehrmann_Haan_Querner GitHub Wiki
In its current state, the tool can read a thesis in a pdf format and calculate values (page count, word count, sentence count, average word length, average sentence length and figure count) to save locally in a csv formatted file.
The tool can create box and violin plots for each of the calculated values, showing the average distribution across all the analyzed theses.
The csv file can be loaded and the calculated values of a thesis added to it, then locally saved.
A local copy of an annotated thesis pdf can be created, which will also save locally.
Also the element "MitAnnotationDE.py" provides the functionality to get annotations into the uploaded PDF documents and compare the documents among each other. The aim is also to highlight inconsistencies within the texts, however, this function has not yet been fully implemented.