Context of the project - TobiasHaan/Masterprojekt_Both_Gehrmann_Haan_Querner GitHub Wiki

This project had the goal of creating a tool to analyze and compare theses against one another and ultimately provide structural feedback to either the writer of a thesis or to a lecturer. It was created during a course from the FernUniversität in Hagen focusing on language technology during a Master's program (Data Science).

Groups of three to five students were each assigned a project to work on with multiple milestones, presentations and meetings during one semester. Our project was focused on structural feedback on theses. Early on, we gathered the different types of values we could run analysis on, based on what a thesis was made up of: Words, sentences, pages and figures. The focus of our project was entirely on structural values and feedback, not the content itself, hence there would also not be any sort of grading itself. The only type of feedback that would be generated would be focused on structural data in the form of: 'Your thesis is x pages longer/shorter than the general thesis of this type. For example master's vs bachelor's thesis or mathematics vs. sociology having varying degrees of what is considered a normal or desirable length.